My main advice that I would give to prospective students who are coming into college is to look early and spend time on your application, you could end up not even having to pay for college.
My biggest recommendation for all of our new students is to go ahead and apply for scholarships when you apply for admission.
Luckily, you can do it all in one place.
So you fill out your admissions application, you mark that you're interested in a scholarship, and then you just give us a little bit more information.
Our Admissions and Scholarships Team is going to go through that portion of your application and match you for tons of different scholarships that you could be eligible for, and then notify you of what we may be able to award you these scholarships can range from $500 all the way up to a full ride.
My tips for students would definitely be to go through and complete your FAFSA.
Um, that doesn't have to be completed every year, but it's definitely worth it as that's your application for all eight, federal and state.
All of our students coming to Georgia Southern from one of our bordering states, which includes Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina could be eligible for our "border state waiver" opportunity.
This is something that you can apply for once you've been accepted to Georgia Southern which is going to charge you the in-state rate for tuition over the next four years.
We're excited to have a robust Parent and Family Association.
One of the really cool things that come with being a member of the PFA is your student is eligible to apply for a specific scholarship opportunity that's not available to all of their students.
If you don't know where to start, I would suggest asking.
The more people you ask, the more resources that you're given.
You can always go to the Financial Aid Office.
The Workforce Scholarship is definitely worth it.
It may seem like a lot of work now, but in the end, it definitely would pay off.