We understand that not everyone's journey to Georgia Southern is going to look the exact same.
So we encourage all of our students who are interested in graduating from Georgia Southern University to look at what options might be the best fit for them.
So a student who hasn't been admitted, the advice I would give them is not to be discouraged.
There's always different opportunities to get you here We just have to follow strategic plans to be able to get, you know, problems into the university.
But if you applied and maybe your test scores weren't quite high enough the first time, you're always welcome to retest, send us additional scores.
If you pick up a summer class and it bumps you above our 2.0 requirement.
So you can always submit additional documentation to be reevaluated.
We have an exciting partnership called the Bobcat-to-Eagle program with East Georgia State College who actually has a campus embedded on our Statesboro campus.
They're on campus with us so they get a Georgia Southern student
ID, they can still access all the same facilities, they take classes on our campus.
So they could start at East Georgia, and then transfer here after completing 30 hours.
We actually have an accelerated transfer pathway with both Savannah Technical College and Ogeechee Technical College and you can take a little bit of a smaller course load, your first year of college for that transition piece and then transfer to Georgia Southern with less than our standard admission requirements.
But I think that some students get stuck thinking, "Oh, I don't want to go to a two-year school!" ...Not realizing that that's actually not what's going to be on your final diploma.
When you graduate, you're still going to be receiving that bachelor's degree from Georgia Southern.
At the end of the day, you want to make sure you're doing what's best for you and not what somebody else is telling you to do.
You want to make sure you're following your path.
It's no one else's.
It's your success story.