Anyone interested in coming to Georgia Southern should always start by doing a little bit of research.
We encourage you to look on our website and see what programs we have what our campuses are like and to maybe check out opportunities to come visit our campus at one of our campus tours are one of our big events.
Once you've done a little bit of research and you know what you might be interested in, we encourage you to go ahead and submit an application for admission.
This is a simple process online that doesn't require essays or a lot of extra work.
This is just an opportunity for us to know who you are and what you might be interested in.
Once you do that, you can go ahead and submit everything else that might be needed, like transcripts, and test scores, and all of that good stuff.
Once you've submitted your application, you will get an opportunity to go online and review your application status where you can see real-time updates to what we've received and when a decision has been posted on your account.
We have three physical campuses to choose from -- we have our Statesboro campus, we have our Armstrong campus in Savannah, and we have our liberty campus in Hinesville.
Each campus has a different feel and a different experience.
And some of them even offer different programs.
The best way to figure out what campus is the right fit for you is to see what you might want to major in and if it's offered on those campuses, as well as maybe visiting and getting a feel for what campus life is like and how they're different and unique.
So once you've gotten access to your online status check page you can see exactly what materials and documents you need to send in.
The best way to do all of this is electronically.
If you're requesting transcripts from a high school or college you can typically find information online about how to send those in.
If you're sending any test scores over from the ACT or the SAT, you're always going to want to request those official scores from the College Board or ACT website.
Once you've activated your My Georgia Southern account, you'll find a tile on there that says "New Student Resources" and this is everything you need for the next few months as you get ready to come to Georgia Southern.
This is where you can go in and apply for housing, as well as where you can sign up for a mandatory orientation session.
We call it SOAR so be on the lookout.
Once you've registered for your source session, you will receive more information about going in and completing a pre-advisement module.
This is an opportunity for you to look through some of the different majors and confirm what your interests are, as well as give information to our academic advisors so they can start building your schedule for your first semester of classes here at Georgia Southern.
Welcome to Eagle Nation!