One of the really great parts about being like part of I would say, a larger campus, you get access to a lot of like school-wide events.
So there's always going to be the Eagle Beach Bash.
There's movie nights around campus, just tons of like really great stuff for you to get involved with.
There's also plenty of opportunities for you to create traditions as just a smaller friend community.
So if it's like going to Learning Commons for like, 2 AM every night with your friends and playing board games or something like that, or going downtown, just having a great time in general, those are gonna be the things that you probably look forward to most.
One of the biggest you know, campus traditions or things that really made me feel like I was part of Georgia Southern was going to the football games.
You know, Paulson stadium, just going crazy. You know, "Georgia Southern!"
And it's just so much fun.
Everybody, you know, gets really, you know, hyped and the team plays great, especially when you win, it's just the most fun thing ever.
All of our campuses have their own traditions.
Here at Armstrong right in Savannah campus, we have something called Beach Bash, obviously, Tybee's right down the road.
We have our Treasure Savannah, it's our day of service.
And we participate in one of the biggest St. Patrick's Day parades in the world and we get to be a part of that.
I think a big part of the Georgia Southern community is just having pride in being an Eagle and you see somebody wearing the Georgia Southern polo 50 years from now say, "Hail Southern!"
They're gonna say, "Hail Southern!" back.
We love Georgia Southern down here. We love our campus. We love the people. It's just really about loving your school.