Georgia Southern is dedicated to helping students have a smooth transition into college.
And that's really what the "Eagle Experience" is about.
It's about connecting students in ways in which they are exposed to differences, they are getting connections with academic support areas on campus, and at the same time, they're able to meet each other in really meaningful ways.
The SOAR program is really a one-day enrollment-focused experience in which students and their families and supporters are able to come to Georgia Southern in person and just get information about financial aid, the Registrar's Office, transcripts, as well as our academic schedule and advising.
Getting to meet with the dedicated staff and faculty from the school, getting to meet with current and former students, and getting to ask them questions really helped give me a peace of mind about really learning what it's going to be like here on campus and what would be expected of me.
The Eagle Experience really kicks off of course in the summer, but really the programming and the events and all those exciting things happen once students move in in August.
And when they get to campus, they're going to get a full schedule of a lot of different events such as a "Glow Paint Party."
We had glow dust flying and people wore white shirts and it was just kind of electric to see all the students together.
They also had like a potting for getting a little succulent plant for your dorm. We had a "Beach Bash," right before all of our classes.
We invited students to take the bus to Tybee Island, we've had class tours where they can be oriented with the campus a little better.
We also learned about how to get involved.
We learned about student organizations and things of that nature.
So not only did they prepare you for the academic side of things during orientation, they also prepare you for the things that you can do on campus to really truly have that Eagle Experience not just during orientation, but for you the entirety of your college experience.